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RoJM Teaching Resources

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I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.




I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
Alphabet: Presentations, Capital/lower case letters, Interactive pictures and words Activity

Alphabet: Presentations, Capital/lower case letters, Interactive pictures and words Activity

This presentation pack comprises 5 PowerPoint Presentations. Aim: To develop children’s knowledge of the alphabet (upper/lower case letters) and sound and letter correspondences. Just choose a presentation and play. The 5 presentations all include animation. (Shortcut for Slide View press f5 tab) . Each presentation can be used as lesson starters, standalone lessons or as a plenary. Teacher Notes also included. General description: Children recite the alphabet as they appear in alphabetical order: with letters, pictures and words capitals letters only lower case letters only a mix of lower and upper case letters (children name the letters as they appear) interactive alphabet pictures and words (a-z) with each picture linked to Slide 28 that contains a table of words linking back to each picture on the slides. You can click on the links to go back and forth to pictures and words. See Preview Panes. Other Alphabet resources: Learning the Alphabet lesson Learning the Alphabet includes lesson plan and worksheets File Type: PowerPoint Presentation
CVC Words Activities Picture Cards   Phonics Read Write Tasks  Early Years Year 1

CVC Words Activities Picture Cards Phonics Read Write Tasks Early Years Year 1

CVC words fun activities with picture cards for Reception and Year 1/PreK and K. Learning intention: Blending/segmenting CVC words for reading and writing. This product contains: • Teacher’s Notes and Answer Sheet for carousel activity • 30 CVC Word Search Strips with pictures (6 pages) • 30 CVC Sentence Strips to read and find CVC answer (6 pages) • Find and Write CVC List Worksheets –With headings Table 1 to Table 6 for carousel • 36 Pictures (not labelled) for CVC List Worksheets above (Laminate/cut out) • 36 Pictures labelled for other suggested activities <strong>30 CVC Word Search Strips with pictures (6 pages)</strong> There are 6 worksheets each containing 5 CVC word search strips. The students look at the picture and then search for the word in the strip. When found, they colour or shade in the word. You can cut the strips out and stick into students’ phonics book. <strong>30 CVC Sentence Clue Strips (6 pages)</strong> These worksheets are for the more able that can read and decode words. The students read the sentence which gives a clue to the CVC word to look for in the mini word search strip. The strips contain two CVC words, but only one is correct. For example: This animal barks. He/She then looks for the word in the strip and colour or shade in the word. You have the option of cutting out the strips and selecting those you feel are suitable for your students and sticking them into workbooks or the students can complete the worksheets. <strong>Find and Write Carousel Activity</strong> The students are up and moving in this activity. Once they have completed the task on table 1, they then move on to table 2 with a different selection of pictures with Table 2 Worksheet CVC List and so on to Table 6. Each table contains a set of different pictures which relates to each worksheet with the same pictures. Children work in table groups. When the children change tables, hand out the ‘Find and Write List’ for that table for children to write on. You can set a time limit for working on each table. The students look at the worksheet for, e.g. table 3. They will see six pictures. They find the pictures that match what is on their worksheet and write the CVC word for that picture. <strong>Make sure they write their names on their worksheet before handing them in and going on to the next table activity with new words and pictures.</strong> <strong>Other Suggested Uses</strong> Extra group activity – Select some of the laminated pictures cards and ask the children to write the cvc words for those cards on their whiteboards. Thank you for your interest. File Type: Word and PDF.
All About Me Booklet - Back to School Worksheets/Activities-  KS1

All About Me Booklet - Back to School Worksheets/Activities- KS1

All About Me booklet. Ideal for Year 1/2, ESL, EFL and EAL students. Teacher’s Notes included. Use it during the first week back at school and find out about the children you’ll be teaching and children can find out about each other’s family and interests. The front page of the booklet, which is editable, comes in 7 border colours: plain white, blue, red, yellow, purple, green and grey. On the front page is a doodle box for children to doodle away and make their cover unique. The rest of the pages are for children to: do a self portrait write their age write who they live with draw the people they live with write three favourite things they like to do write and draw their favourite animal, TV show, colour and food A page about ‘More about me’ - children write a special day they like to celebrate, a place to visit, favourite subjects and what they want to be when they grow up. Last two pages are differentiated - Children might want to share some news, perhaps what they did during the summer or half term break. Hope you enjoy using the booklet.
Addition and Subtraction Sums within 5 Five Frame template large 2 colour counters

Addition and Subtraction Sums within 5 Five Frame template large 2 colour counters

This product contains differentiated addition and subtraction five frame cards (print onto card paper, laminate and cut out) - use dry-wipe pens. You can also print off the sums onto plain paper and stick into student’s numeracy workbook. Aimed at: Foundation stage Introducing addition using the five frame Revision for some Year 1 students who find the concept of adding and subtraction challenging.** Included is a Five frame template and large counters. Students can use these with the addition and subtraction sums. Students can recreate the addition sums by using the two colour counters and five frame to work out and/or check their answers. Students use one yellow counter and the five frame for subtraction. Place the counters on the five frame and remove as required. Teachers Notes on suggested use of this resource 20 Addition cards with yellow circles (counters) 20 Addition cards without counters (more able) 20 Subtraction cards with counters 20 Subtraction cards without counters(more able) Extra counters saved as clipart - black, yellow and blue (you can enlarge or reduce sizes) Five Frame Flash Cards A useful addition to your maths resources. For US Version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11494581 You may be interested in: Addition and Subtract using Ten Frames Addition and Subtraction using Ten Frames Thanks for stopping by my store.
Phonics Initial Consonant Blend GL-gl  CCVC Words Presentations Lesson Plan Activities

Phonics Initial Consonant Blend GL-gl CCVC Words Presentations Lesson Plan Activities

This single phonics pack focuses on initial consonant blend ‘gl’ CCVC words. As with the other consonant blends packs: it is child-centred child-friendly and a step up from CVC and CCV to Phase 4: Letters and Sounds Phonics. Increases children’s vocabulary. Aimed at: Reception and keystage 1, SEND and ESL/EFL students. It is an addition to my other resources on initial consonant blends. This pack contains: Detailed Lesson Plan with learning objectives, lesson starter, main activities and plenary - You can choose which parts are relevant to your class. PowerPoint slides are referred to in the plan. PowerPoint Presentation 1 (31 Slides)- includes explanation of initial blend, CCVC words and whole class activities to prepare children for their independent activities. PowerPoint Presentation Phoneme Count ((12 Slides) - Again, as in the others, I have listed all the CCVC words and the units of sound above the fingers so that children can see and hear the separate phonemes (with pictures) - Referred to in the lesson plan. Encourage children to make simple sentences with the words. Some meanings of words are shown through pictures and speech bubbles. Option for children to use the dictionary to look up the word gloat, gloom and glib - meanings are illustrated in PowerPoint Presentation Phoneme Count. Flashcards of CCVC words with and without sound buttons and lines. Set of pictures and words for matching activities. Differentiated Activity Sheets 1, 2, 3 and 3a and 4 - for cut/paste work, writing sentences, reading and matching words to pictures. You can combine the set of pictures and words with the other resources I have done on consonant blends - creating a set of pictures and words for future use. Ideally laminate the set of flashcards and picture/word cards. Hope you enjoy this resource and thank you for visiting my shop:-)
2D Shape Repeated Pattern/Colour, Presentation, Worksheet/Cut-Paste Activities, Lesson Plans

2D Shape Repeated Pattern/Colour, Presentation, Worksheet/Cut-Paste Activities, Lesson Plans

This comprehensive resource relates to 2D shapes and repeating patterns. Learning Objectives: - To recognise and name 2D shapes (including squares, triangles and circles) Success criteria:- - I can make a repeating pattern - I can say which shape comes next in a repeating pattern - I can use shape and colour to repeat patterns (challenge) Aimed at: EYFS/KS1 and SEN students Student explore and use their imagination to make 2d shape repeat patterns. They are also challenged to use colours. Resource content:- • PowerPoint Presentation (23 Slides) - Includes whole class activities • 2D Shape Pattern 1 – cut/paste activity • 2D Shape Pattern 2 – cut/paste activity • Colour Shape Patterns 1 – cut/paste activity • Colour Shape Patterns 2 (extension) • Colour Shape Patterns 3 (extension) • Large Shape Tiles 1 (plain & colour) • Medium Shape Tiles 2 (plain & colour) • Small Shape Tiles 3 (plain & colour • Repeating Shape Patterns worksheet (to be used with shape tiles) • Shape Pattern Mat worksheet (to be used with shape tiles) • Repeat shape pattern T-shirt activity sheet • My Shape Pattern T-shirt Design Two lessons for children to explore repeating 2D shape patterns. The lesson can spread over three sessions to include art and ICT tasks. The activities are differentiated to include all abilities. Lesson 1: Students are introduced to 2D shapes patterns only (no colour). Lesson 2: Students build upon what what they learnt in lesson 1 and include colour/2d shape repeating patterns. Depending on the age group, you can combine the two lessons into one. - Teacher Notes/Lesson Plans - all slides are referred to in the lesson plans with extra information on extension activities and plenaries. File Type: PowerPoint, PDF, zip file in which the files are in Word format. Thank you for stopping by my shop.
Consonant Blends or Clusters  Initial Consonant Blends - 56 Worksheets

Consonant Blends or Clusters Initial Consonant Blends - 56 Worksheets

UPDATED with 26 extra worksheets for differentiation. Aimed at Keystage1/Lower Keystage 2. These worksheets are based on the 22 initial consonant blends. It is part of a large resource pack - see below. You may only require the worksheets which can be used in the classroom, as homework or as revision. The worksheets include: Cloze activities on all the initial consonants - children read each sentence and choose the appropriate to complete the sentence so that it makes sense - A choice of two words. There is a mini word search at the end. Worksheet (1 page) Matching words to pictures by drawing a line. Worksheets - Making words from a set of consonant blends, e.g. children will see missing gaps in a word - e.g. __ __ am. They can choose any of the initial consonant blends in the box below to make a word, e.g. slam or pram or tram. Matching initial consonant blends to pictures Trace over initial consonant blends and match to the correct pictures Revision worksheets to consolidate their learning. Please see preview pane. This worksheet resource is part of a larger pack: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-initial-consonant-blends-presentations-plans-listening-audio-worksheets-activities-11607482
St Valentine Count Match Pattern Sequences Number Bonds 10 and 20 Ten Frames EYFS/KS1

St Valentine Count Match Pattern Sequences Number Bonds 10 and 20 Ten Frames EYFS/KS1

UPDATED February 12, 2019: Number bonds to 20. This pack contains St. Valentine maths topic themes which you can incorporate into your lesson plan(s). Aimed at: Reception/Year 1 If you operate a carousel system in your class, you can place the different activities on the tables for children to practise number work/patterns. Content and Description Includes Teacher Notes • Counting in ones missing number sequence worksheet – Children complete sequence by writing the missing numbers in the heart. • Number bonds to 10 and 20 - x2 sets of worksheets – this is a cut and stick activity. Children cut out a broken heart on worksheet 2 to match and stick to a broken heart on worksheet 1. The hearts add up to 10 on one set of worksheets; and then add up to 20 on the second set of worksheets. • Counting using Tens Frame – Pictures are placed in different positions on the tens frame. Children count and write the number in the space provided. • Count and tick to match activity – Numicon – Children count the pictures in the squares and then tick the Numicon shape that matches the number of pictures. • Colour Sequence Worksheet – Children work out what comes next in the colour sequence and then complete the last two or three squares. The pictures are: hearts, Valentine envelopes and lips. • Picture Sequence – Cut and stick activity – Children look at the pictures and work out what comes next. Then they cut out the correct pictures to complete the sequences. • Three sets of flash cards 1 to 10 o Numeral and Number flash cards o Numicon flash cards o Picture Heart flash cards 1. Children can play snap with the different sets of flash cards. 2. Whiteboard + dry-wipe pen - Choose a set, e.g. picture cards. Place the cards face down. He/She turns over two cards and writes a number equation to solve. File Type: Word and PDF Please see Preview Pane Thank you for browsing round my shop:-)
CVC Words PowerPoint Mixed  Phonics CVC Words Onset and Rime

CVC Words PowerPoint Mixed Phonics CVC Words Onset and Rime

This resource contains three PowerPoint Presentations on mixed phonics CVC words. Teacher’s Guide included. Phonics Input Sessions: Segment and blend CVC words orally and in writing. These presentations can cover numerous phonic sessions. Play in Slide Show Each presentation contains 80 slides and has three different functions - see below The presentations are set up so that you have to click on the arrows, home, end slide function buttons. To reveal the letters in each word, you have to click on the purple squares. Click on any slide you want to use by going back and forth on the arrows. You can end the Slide Show at any time, click on END SLIDE SHOW>. In Slide Show you can use the forward/backward arrows to select the slides you want to use in your phonics lesson. This is so convenient as you can choose the words you want to focus on. Children will see a picture for each word. Suggested Activities What’s the missing phoneme? The CVC words are covered up ready to be revealed when you click on a square. You can differentiate the lesson by revealing two letters at a time and asking children to say and/or write what they think the missing phoneme is. • Click on the squares to reveal the letters you want in the lesson. • The children use the pictures as a visual aid to help them say or write the missing phoneme. What are the missing phoneme? • You can make the lesson more challenging by only revealing one phoneme and the children write or say the two missing phonemes. What’s the picture – Segment and blend CVC words You can assess how well the children segment and blend the CVC words. Select any slide in Slide Show. Ask the children what the picture is. You can prompt them if they are not sure. Get them to say the letters by sounding out and blending. Ask them to write the word on their whiteboards and then show you. You can reveal the answers by clicking on the squares. Alternatively, tell you the children you are going to show them slides of pictures and they have, e.g. a few seconds, to write the letter that corresponds to each phoneme on their whiteboards and then show you on their mini- whiteboards. I have also upload a PowerPoint Timer, timed at 2 mins and 5 mins as an option to use. Please see Preview Pane on the words used in this resource. Thank you for your interest.
All About Me: 42 Question Cards and Worksheet Activity

All About Me: 42 Question Cards and Worksheet Activity

This product is on the topic of All About Me. Aimed at: Reception/Year1 and Year 2. Use for ESL/EFL students for speaking about themselves and about other people. <strong>Content:</strong> • Teacher Notes (2 pages) • 42 Question Cards (colour and plain background) – Laminate and cut out • Rules for whole class activities using the question cards • Digit cards 1 – 32 (patterned and plain): Laminate and cut out • Worksheet (1 page) • Blank question and digit cards for your use **The question cards can be used in various ways. ** This is option 2. Arrange students in a semi-circle. Whole class activity – Laminate and cut out the flashcard numbers and randomly hand them out to the students. Print, laminate and cut out the question cards and place a selection in the centre. You select a question card and then to choose a student to answer the question, say ‘I want whoever has number 7 to answer the question.’ The student that has card number 7 answers the question. If you would like other students to answer the same question, then just say e.g. ‘I want whoever has card number, e.g. 23, to answer the same question.’ Depending on timing, you can decide on how many questions to select from the pack. Working in Pairs or small groups Students shuffle some question cards and lay them face down on the table. They take turns to turn over a card and ask each other questions. Worksheet – All About Me This is a single worksheet for students to complete. Activities on the worksheet: Draw a picture of themselves; write their name Age Birth date Write the colour of their hair and colour in the picture Write the colour of their eyes and colour in the eye picture Complete the six boxes. The 42 question cards are also on PowerPoint and editable. Extra blank cards - Askt students to write their own questions for others to answer. You might be interested in: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/all-about-me-pshe-presentations-and-question-name-generator-activity-sheets-question-cards-11354873
Numbers and Number Words 1-120  Trace over number words, Flash cards, Wall displays, Teacher Notes

Numbers and Number Words 1-120 Trace over number words, Flash cards, Wall displays, Teacher Notes

This product contains a variety of resources for hands-on activities relating to numbers and number words. Preferably, print onto card and laminate for durability. Content: Numeral cards 0 to 120 (White background) (you can print onto coloured paper) Numeral cards 0 to 120 - blue patterned borders Number word cards zero to one hundred and twenty - blue patterned borders Number word cards zero to one hundred and twenty also showing numbers (White background) Word and number cards with patterned white borders. Number word cards also showing numbers - yellow patterned boards. Useful to display as a visual reminder together with digit cards. Trace over number word cards 0 to 120. Ideal for children to practise writing numbers words. Flash cards displaying one more than, one less than, one less, one more, ten less and ten more Teacher note contains suggested activities such as: Memory matching activity game (one to one or small groups) - Lay out a selection of number word cards and digit cards face down. Players take turns turning over a word card and a digit card. If they do not match, return to their original position. If there is a match, the player keeps the cards. Player with the most cards wins. Teacher can show the one less than card with any number either in words or numerals and ask the children for the number that is less than, e.g. thirty-one. Please see preview panes. Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
St Patrick Legends and Myths PowerPoint, Worksheets, Cut and Paste Sequencing, Lesson Plans

St Patrick Legends and Myths PowerPoint, Worksheets, Cut and Paste Sequencing, Lesson Plans

This resource focuses on the legend of Saint Patrick and myths. The PowerPoint Presentation includes whole class activities and there are questions at the end of the presentation. Children are encouraged to participate in discussion about the different myths and legends in relation to St Patrick/St Patrick’s Day. The resource contains:- 32 Slides PowerPoint Presentation Flexible detailed lesson plans covering 2 lessons (includes learning objectives and plenaries/closing session). Each PowerPoint slide is referred to in the lesson plans. Lesson 1: Children link the shamrock St Patrick is holding to Irish myths, including leprechaun costumes that they might see on St Patrick’s Day celebrations. Learn the difference between myths and legends. They look at mythical beasts and describing words and phrases. Differentiated worksheets - With support - LA draw their own picture of Cyclops and label the parts with adjectives. MA/HA - Draw own picture of Cyclops or create their own mythical creature and label it with adjectives and and use simple sentences to describe in more detail, e.g. its body was as big as a house. Extension: Complete Patrick’s Day Factsheet (colour in/4 questions). Lesson 2: Previous is lesson reviewed. This lesson focuses on the retelling of myths and sequencing events. Three mythical stories on PowerPoint are read out and children decide which one they like better and what makes them interesting. Discuss what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the stories. Differentiated Activity 1 - Lower Ability children cut out and sequence three pictures and write a simple sentence below each picture called St. Patrick and the Serpent. Middle Ability - Cut out sentences and glue below the correct pictures to tell the story of St Patrick and the Serpent . High Ability - Retell legend of St Patrick and the Serpent. First they draft and then write out neatly. Early finishers: Draw or find a picture of a person whom they regard as a legend and write why. Thank you for stopping by my shop:-) Maths activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-patrick-s-day-maths-block-graph-patterns-sequencing-puzzles-numbers-1-20-match-up-worksheets-12080124
Sounds How Humans  Animals Hear Musical Instruments Voice  Plans  Presentations Activities

Sounds How Humans Animals Hear Musical Instruments Voice Plans Presentations Activities

UPDATED WITH ANSWER SHEETS AND TEACHER NOTES - May 2019 There are 7 Lesson Plans (with learning objectives) and Presentations . Worksheets and practical activities for whole class teaching. This resource is about:- -Sound and how sound travels to include sound waves, vibrations, pitch, volume; -The sounds we can make with our voices and what happens; -How we hear; -How some animals hear; -How to get sound from different musical instruments and what happens; and -The type of listening devices we use to locate sound, stethoscopes, hearing aids etc. 19 audio sounds for listening activities (MP3) Lesson 1: This is about how we use our voice and the different sounds we make. There is a diagram of how our voice works which includes vibration, pitch and how we need our teeth and tongue to produce sounds. Activity - children are given a very short text to add vocal sound effects to in their groups - narrator/reader reads the short text (print this off the Slide) and the other children decide on vocal sound effects to add. Lesson 2:- This is about musical instruments and how we produce sound from them (bang, hit, shake, pluck etc.) and group them into their categories (wind, stringed, percussion)- Grouping Activity sheets and Listening activity. Lesson 3 - This is more practical and children plan and design their musical instruments. They are given ideas on what to do, e.g. make a guitar from cereal boxes, the handle is made of kitchen towel tube, strings are various sizes of elastic bands etc. Lesson 4: This is about how we ear. Children learn about the anatomy of the ear (outer ear, middle ear and inner ear) and how we receive and process sound. They also learn about why we get dizzy (semi-circular canals in our ear is filled with fluid). There are worksheet activities and listening activities on PowerPoint Presentations. Lesson 5: This lesson is about different listening devices such as the stethoscope, ear trumpets that were used in the past and versions of it that are used to hear unborn babies. Children - to make ear trumpets and pot telephones learning about how sound travels to the ear via a medium. Children also investigate sound via different types of cups (sizes, material) and the length of the string). Lesson 6: This lesson is about how some animals move their ears to hear sounds and locate their prey. - Activities- children work with a partner to complete their worksheets which contain missing words. Lesson 7: Loud sounds get quieter when you are further away from its source - All the lessons include information on volume, pitch, vibrations and sound waves. Files: PowerPoint, MS Word and PDF. US Version Thank you for visiting my shop.
Classroom Displays/Birthday display,  4 Seasons, Months of the year, Days of the week, Worksheets

Classroom Displays/Birthday display, 4 Seasons, Months of the year, Days of the week, Worksheets

NOW UPDATED WITH WORKSHEETS - May 2019 The resources are for visual display around the classroom and can also be used as flashcards to teach days and month sequencing. Days of the week display title Days - Monday to Sunday display Months of the Year title Months of the Year display - January to December The four seasons display title The seasons Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall, Winter Editable Birthday Wall display The birthday wall display is also on a PowerPoint Slide so you can type in your student’s name and print off. Alternatively, you can print off the PDF format and use blu tac or velcro and stick the student’s name on the birthday display. Create a seasons table - for example, in autumn lay out leaves, acorns and a harvest basket. In addition, there are worksheets to go with the displays. Days of the week – 4 worksheets Students cut and glue the days in the correct order. Jumbled days for students to unscramble and then write the days in the correct order. Students then answer the questions on the second part of the worksheet, e.g. What days do we call the weekend? Students read simple sentences that contain days of the week and then cut out and glue the strips in the correct order. Students write own simple sentences about what activity they do after school each day. To differentiate the activity, I have prepared a sheet with just pictures and activities on them which some students can choose and cut out to stick onto their worksheets and use the words to create a simple sentence. Months of the year - 5 worksheets Students cut and glue the months in the correct order. Months of the year poem – You can read aloud the poem to the students and ask them questions on it. It is also on PowerPoint. You could ask them if the months are in the correct order. Which months have 31 days? Which month has 28 days? Work at the table: Students can work together to read the poem and answer the 5 questions. On this worksheet, students trace over months and then list them in the correct order. In the last column they write the number of days in each month. Sorting months worksheet – Students write the months under the correct seasons. The last task is to write the month their birthday is in. Differentiated worksheet – students sort the months by cutting and gluing the months into the correct seasons on the wheel. There are two questions to answer. Thank you for your interest:-)
Mixed Bag Maths  Addition and Subtraction Money work, Counting in 2s , Word Problems - Lesson Plans

Mixed Bag Maths Addition and Subtraction Money work, Counting in 2s , Word Problems - Lesson Plans

Updated to included b/w worksheets and number lines clipart. This mixed bag maths resource pack contains:- 5 Flexible Lesson Plans 5 PowerPoint Presentations. Number line 0-10 Number line 0-20. Worksheets to go with each of the lessons Content of lessons: Lesson 1: Addition with number line up to 10; extension up to 20 for more able children. To use number line to work out addition sums. Lesson 2: Subtraction with number line up to 10; extension to 20 for more able children. To use number line to work out subtraction sums. Lesson 3: Money activities - recognising coins and using exact value to pay for items. Extension work adding two items together up to 20p. To recognise coin values and use exact coins to pay for items. Lesson 4: Counting in twos. Worksheet activities on this. Gap filling number sequences and counting in two worksheets. Counting in twos - money worksheet 2p. To recognise number sequences and count in twos. Lesson 5: Simple word maths problem for children to solve. Worksheets differentiated. To solve simple maths problems using addition or subtraction operations. Learning objectives, starter activites and main lessons are in the lesson plans. US Version https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mixed-bag-math-addition-subtraction-to-20-money-skip-count-by-2-solve-math-problems-5-lessons-11153912 Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Reading Comprehension, Text, Sentences, Adjectives, Presentations, Lesson Plans and Worksheets

Reading Comprehension, Text, Sentences, Adjectives, Presentations, Lesson Plans and Worksheets

Aimed at Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1. This English Language Arts resource includes:- PowerPoint Presentation on all the lessons - the reading text is on PowerPoint with audio. Optional - click on the icon to listen to the story. Presentation for whole class teaching including whole class exercises. Also includes:- English Language Arts Plan contains 5 lessons focusing on the short story (lesson starter and plenaries). Activities:- - Reading comprehension questions - involves speaking/listening and reading/writing. - Capitalization and punctuation at the end of a sentence - Sentence activity - Sorting jumbled words (word scramble) used in the story - Focus on use of adjectives to write interesting stories - Writing simple sentences - Creative writing activity - Labeling pictures using adjectives - Reading texts and illustrating - Word search - Differentiated worksheets and activities All resources are editable and printable. Addresses: CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RF.1.A CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RF.1.4 and RF.1.4.A CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RL.1.1 CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RL.1.2 CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RL.1.7 CCSS.ELA.Literacy.W.1.3 CCSS.ELA.Literacy.SL.1.2 CCSS.ELA.Literacy.L.1.2 CCSS.ELA.Literacy.L.1.2.B CCSS.ELA.Literacy.L.1.1.F File Type: Word and PowerPoint All images royalty free from Microsoft clipart.
Plants Flowering Plants  Life Cycle Sunflower and Bean Plant  Labelling Worksheets PowerPoint

Plants Flowering Plants Life Cycle Sunflower and Bean Plant Labelling Worksheets PowerPoint

This resource now includes new worksheets and updated presentations. This science unit on plants and flowering plants and life cycle of a bean plant and sunflower comprises 6 lessons. There are 6 PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, and differentiated worksheets. Teachers Notes (2 pages) Content • Lesson 1 PowerPoint re: Flowers (17 Slides) with whole class activities. • Lesson 2 PowerPoint re: Bean Plant (14 Slides) with whole class activities. • Lesson 3 PowerPoint re: Fruit and their Seeds (10 Slides) with whole class activities. • Lesson 4 PowerPoint re: Practical lesson on planting a bean to grow a bean plant (6 Slides) • Lesson 5 PowerPoint re: Life Cycle of a Sunflower (12 Slides) with whole class activity. • Lesson 6 PowerPoint re: Seed Germination (11 Slides) with whole class activity. • 6 Flexible lesson plans outlining learning objectives, and main activities. PowerPoint slides are referred to in each lesson plan. • Differentiated Worksheets for each lesson Lesson 1: Looking at different plants that flower and understand that grass and trees are plants. There is a flower hunt activity and a practical activity of different kinds of seeds. Two activities in Lesson 1 - Going on a Flower Hunt. - My Seeds Sheet activity - Students look at 4 types of seeds and draw the flowers of that seed - example sheet included. Lesson 2: Know parts of a plant – Definition of words; Sequencing and labelling a bean plant and labelling a flower - Writing activity, cut and paste sequencing, ordering sentence strips in the correct sequence of a growing plant worksheets. Lesson 3: Fruits and their seeds. Learn that many fruits contain seeds. Observational activity (2 worksheets) - drawing fruits and their seeds. Label an apple; choose correct words to label pictures; Match up whole fruits to their halves by drawing lines. Lesson 4: Children grow their own bean plant - Activity based. Monitor growth. Ready-made recording worksheets; My Bean Plant Preparation write-up. Lesson 5: Learn life cycle of a sunflower, and sequencing growth. Worksheets: Labelling a sunflower; Cut/paste activities; Writing activity – looking at a life cycle illustration and describing it in words; Sequencing sentence strips. Lesson on Seeds: Life cycle of a seed and some information on mushrooms which do not grow from seeds. Students also learn about different types of germination. Worksheets: Recap Quick Question Sheet (Students can work individually or in pairs); Text on seed germination life cycle cloze activity – students read and fill in the gaps using words from the word box. Please see US Version Thank you for visiting my shop:)
CVC Words Medial Vowel 'a' Jigsaw Puzzles Activities, Teacher Notes

CVC Words Medial Vowel 'a' Jigsaw Puzzles Activities, Teacher Notes

Aimed at: EYFS/Year 1 and children who are still finding blending and segmenting CVC words challenging. Content: Black and white puzzles with and without pictures for children to make CVC words. They can cut out the pieces and glue into their workbook or on separate sheet of paper. When they have made the word they trace inside the letters with different colour pencil. Green puzzles - best to laminate and cut out. Children can practise putting the pieces together and then write the word on their whiteboards. You may be interested in: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-cvc-word-families-making-words-puzzles-cut-stick-activities-rhyming-lesson-eyfs-ks1-11869596
Spring-themed Daffodils, St David's Day Symbol- Cut/Paste Counting 1 to 5 Puzzle Match Activity

Spring-themed Daffodils, St David's Day Symbol- Cut/Paste Counting 1 to 5 Puzzle Match Activity

Spring-themed resource which is also ideal for St David’s Day activity. A cut and paste puzzle activity counting 1 to 5. You can prepare the activity by cutting out the puzzles and having the children sort through to count and match the number of daffodils to the correct number or for the more able number words and number. Alternatively, to improve their fine motor skills, place the sheets of paper on their tables and get the children to cut out and match the two sides of the puzzles. Once they are matched, they can stick them in their workbooks. I have also included a 4-piece daffodil puzzle in colour and b/w. Thank you for stopping by my shop:-) You may be interested in more St David’s Maths Activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-david-s-day-numbers-1-20-match-up-puzzle-pieces-tens-twenty-frames-bar-chart-activities-12079213
Addition and Subtraction  Loop Activity Cards  I Have  Who Has  KS1

Addition and Subtraction Loop Activity Cards I Have Who Has KS1

There are 32 mixed addition and subtraction loop cards - I have… Who has? Use as a lesson starter or at the end of the lesson. Print out the loop card sheets. Laminate and cut out. Hand a card to each pupil starting with the simpler card for the less able. The pupils have to listen careful to see if they have the correct answer and then read out their addition or subtraction sentence for the next person to answer. Eventually the first person who started the loop ends the loop. Plain background and blue background. File Type: Word Format and PDF.